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Earth Day

Taking care of our Planet is a very important mission, especially now when it needs us most of all. Air pollution is growing at an alarming rate, slowing the economy, reducing the quality of human capital, and the quality of life.

According to the World Health Organization, 92 out of 100 people breathe toxic air.

The Whitebone team decided today to be a little help to our Planet by clearing weeds, litter, cultivating the area, and then sowing flower seeds, though forgetting that today is Earth Day. Or maybe by messaging that EVERY DAY is Earth Day?

With this small initiative of ours, which also became a mini-teambuilding, we want to serve as an example, to say that Earth Day calls us not to fight against the problems of the past, but to work today, every day, with a bright look to the future.

States and governments, industries and entrepreneurs – each of us, in our place by joining forces, can become a reality-changer.